First: Enter the Windows CD ... Then restart the device ... And let the device off of the CD (Usually gives you two options: First: to continue to run Windows, and the second: Run the CD) * If the Windows CD does not work from the outset or did not see this option (see the second part of the topic)

So we begin the steps: 1) Select the first menu to boot from CD Boot 2) When you boot from the CD will appear in the window of the first two options: -

1) and includes the installation of reform required (pressing Enter) (this option is correct) 2) reform of the council Alrikvri (pressing R) In the following manner
So we press Enter
3) to approve the agreement by pressing the F8 key

4) will detect the presence of Your Windows With the availability of options

Reform of Windows, which was revealed Repair (pressure R) Or Continue in the installation of a new fresh

Here we press R to repair the existing Windows and is the option No. 1

Pressing the letter R: to the beginning of reform
5) will copy the necessary files to the hard disk drive Will then be automatically re-

6) After reboot you'll see the words Press any key to boot the CD Do not press any key But wait a bit (because we Anrgb quit now from CD-ROM) Or choose to continue with the Windows operating

7) You'll see the following Windows boot screen

8) would then begin the process of reform (Repiar), God willing,


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